Thursday, October 24, 2013

Google blacklist blocking

Google blacklist blocking

Google's safe browsing API, a security blacklist service which warns of malicious web sites, has marked the site as malicious. As a result, users of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox get a dire warning when attempting to visit the site.

Read more here:

Note:  Also, be aware of the comments section under the article.  There is a bit of banter going on about 1) it was a non-news-worthy event, since Google did what it was supposed to have done -- ie, it was not a false positive, 2) a reader insists that it was a false positive and that Google has a habit of blocking small business owners, causing them financial woes, and 3) reader points out that Netcraft detected possible malware at (substantiated by a Hacker News analysis), which substantiates Google's claim.

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