Monday, May 11, 2009

gOS v3.1 installed on Dell Mini 9

I took the plunge and installed gOS v3.1 Gadgets onto the Dell Mini 9.

The install went flawlessly.

The issues I have discovered so far:

1. Wireless would not work. I followed the instructions located at I applied this fix (when I was using a cat5 connection) and it worked, so the wireless non-functionality is no longer an issue.

2. The Mini won't suspend when I close the lid. I can manually suspend, though. I'll hunt for a fix and apply it later.

I also just noticed that a swap partition was created and configured for use (automatically, when installing gOS). I already have a gig of physical RAM and I don't want to burn out my SSD card, so I'll disable it for now and consider a workaround if/when I need it.

Overall, this is a pretty solid distro and it is pretty cool to be able to use Google tools (this will save drive space and conserve the limited resources this machine has). The Gadgets can also be used offline, so I won't need to be connected to use, that's cool.

Some screenshots:


Fixed the sound issue by following Step 4 of "Installing Ubuntu 8.10 on the Dell Inspiron Mini 9".

I turned off the swap partition by editing out the swap entry in /etc/fstab. I'll test to see how this impacts my install of gOS before removing the partition.